Monday, April 5, 2010

Opening Week for A Fit Life!

Welcome, Everyone to my blog for A Fit Life! I decided to create this blog to help advise, motivate, support and provide. In the coming weeks, it will also work something as a personal exersise journal. I'm going to be using P90X as my next workout program, and thought it would be a great idea to record my good and my not-so-good experiences with it. :) But before getting to the nitty gritty, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

OK, I'll be the first to tell you, I have not always been a fit person. When I was a kid in middle school I had my fun taking Tang Soo Do (Korean-Style Martial Arts) and played on my Junior Varsity Softball team in High School till the end of my Sophmore year. But I never put any real thought to the activities I did and the food I put in my belly. After high school, my eating habits never changed, but my activity level varied.But then, once I became settled in a solid relationship, I just got "Fat, Dumb, and Happy" for lack of a better term. I went from being 125 to 163 lbs in 6 years. I just dealt with it at first, but eventually, I got sick of myself. I remember looking at my bare back in the mirror, completely upalled at myself as I stared at the two rolls of gook on each side of my back. One set I could handle, but TWO? No way. I had to make a change. So for 2008, I made a resolution. My goal was to be 130 lbs by my birthday (7/28).

I started with watching what I ate and playing Dance Dance Revolution on my Playstation 2. It wasn't until February that I found my true saving grace: TURBO JAM! Every morning: Ab Jam & Turbo Sculpt. Every so often I'd mix in the "20 Min Workout" and more Dance Dance Revoltion. Soon enough, my birthday came around, and guess what? I wasn't 130, but I was 123 lbs. by then. I became hooked on Beachbody Products after that. FINALLY, programs that WORK.

I've made leaps and bounds not just physically, but mentally as well. I have a much higher sense of Self Worth & Confidence. These are truly programs that you can believe in and I can't just keep it to myself. Fitness is something that's attainable to ANYONE! That's why I decided to become an Independent Beachbody Coach. As long as you can commit to a few lifestyle changes at a time, You've Got What It Takes! Even if you have a set back or two, Get Right Back on the Horse! A couple of lapses on your road to A Fit Life is not the END of the road. It's all a part of the jouney. And if you feel you've tumbled too far, you can always look here for motivation and support. Together we can build A FIT LIFE...TODAY

And don't forget to visit my website for programs and supplements at A Fit Life

Heather Scribner

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